
Ugan­da is a land­locked coun­try sit­u­at­ed in East Africa. It’s one of the pri­or­i­ty tourism des­ti­na­tions that any tourist should look up for. It’s bor­dered by D.R Con­go – West, South Sudan – North, Kenya – East, Tan­za­nia and Rwan­da – South. Ugan­da has a pop­u­la­tion of about 44 mil­lion peo­ple and these are scat­tered in the many eth­nic groups such as the Bugan­da, Bun­y­oro, Lan­gi, Acholi, Ite­so, Baki­ga, Buso­ga, Samia, Karamo­jong, among many others.

These dif­fer­ent trib­al groups have dis­tinct beau­ti­ful tra­di­tions and cul­tures that often spark excite­ment in tourists. Uganda’s cap­i­tal city is Kam­pala, and the coun­try also has oth­er cities equal­ly scat­tered across the dif­fer­ent regions. Ugan­da is blessed to be crossed by the equa­tor which fac­tor has sig­nif­i­cant effects on the country’s climate.

Ugan­da gen­er­al­ly has tem­per­ate equa­to­r­i­al con­di­tions with the North­east fac­ing semi-arid con­di­tions. It has the game wildlife such as the ele­phants, antelopes, buf­fa­los, lions, zebras, giraffes, bush­buck, among oth­ers. There’s also hun­dreds of bird species such as the Ruwen­zori batis, blue tura­co, trop­i­cal boubou, eagles, herons, shoe­bills, among oth­ers, and some endem­ic species such as the Fox’s Weaver that can only be found in Uganda.

The fau­na and flo­ra which is com­posed of thou­sands of plant species are sit­u­at­ed in Murchi­son Falls Nation­al Park – a home of Murchi­son Falls, Bwin­di Impen­e­tra­ble Nation­al Park – known for the moun­tain goril­las, Queen Eliz­a­beth Nation­al Park – known for the tree climb­ing lions, Mt. Elgon Nation­al Park, Lake Mburo Nation­al Park, among oth­ers. Ugan­da has Africa’s largest fresh water lake, Lake Vic­to­ria, also the source of the World’s longest riv­er, Riv­er Nile.

Oth­er major lakes include lakes Albert, Bun­y­onyi, Ope­ta, Wamala, Kyo­ga, George and Edward, among oth­ers. The riv­er sys­tem is equal­ly great with numer­ous of these join­ing the var­i­ous lakes with­in the coun­try. The major high­lands include Mt. Rwen­zori – snow­capped, and Uganda’s high­est point, Mt. Elgon, Mt. Napak, Mt. Mufumbiro, among oth­ers. Ugan­da there­fore, is a gen­er­al­ly diverse tourism destination.


Tan­za­nia is equal­ly in the Africa Great Lakes region. The bor­der­ing coun­tries are Ugan­da – North, Malawi and Mozam­bique – South, D.R Con­go, Burun­di, Rwan­da – West, Indi­an ocean – East. Tan­za­nia is major­ly known for Moun­tain Kil­i­man­jaro. Tan­za­nia has a pop­u­la­tion 64 mil­lion cit­i­zens which makes it the largest pop­u­lat­ed coun­try in the region. Tanzania’s veg­e­ta­tion is main­ly made up of wood­lands in the inland areas with large expans­es of savan­nah. The coastal areas have coral reefs with their dom­i­nant coastal vegetation.

The coun­try has over 100 tribes with the notable ones being Suku­ma, Nyamwezi, Cha­ga, Ha, Bena, Gogo, Haya, Dholuo, Makonde, Nyatu­ru, Maa­sai, Jita, and Pare. These demo­graph­ics there­fore pro­vide tourists with a large stock of cul­ture to explore. Tan­za­nia is the 13’th largest coun­try in Africa and has two of Africa’s known largest lakes i.e., Lake Vic­to­ria, which is also Africa’s largest fresh water lake, and Lake Tan­ganyi­ka, which is the deep­est lake in Africa. There are equal­ly more lakes in Tan­za­nia name­ly Lakes Nyasa, Buri­gi, Ruk­wa, Natron, Man­yara, Eyasi, Cha­la, Ambus­sel, Babati, Jipe, and Balangi­da. The major rivers open to tourism are rivers Rufi­ji, Pan­gani, Mala­garasi, Wami, Rua­ha, Zam­bezi, and Ruvuma.

Tanzania’s large mam­mal species makes up 20% of Africa’s total such species pop­u­la­tion. These are spread over in game reserves, marine parks, nation­al park, and con­ser­va­tion areas such as Katavi Nation­al Park, Kil­i­man­jaro Nation­al Park, Ngoron­goro Con­ser­va­tion Area, Kit­u­lo Nation­al Park, Serengeti Nation­al Park, Mko­mazi Nation­al Park, Arusha Nation­al Park, Gombe Stream Nation­al Park, Miku­mi Nation­al Park, Lake Man­yara Nation­al Park, Saanane Island Nation­al Park, Mahale Moun­tains Nation­al Park, Rua­ha Nation­al Park, Saadani Nation­al Park, Rubon­do Island Nation­al Park, among others.

The fau­na here include African bush ele­phant, Burchell’s zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, har­te­beest, wood­land dor­mouse, kipun­ji, Thomas’s bush­ba­by, Prince Demidoff’s bush­ba­by, gerenuk, com­mon warthog, pygmy scaly-tailed fly­ing squir­rel, mbara­pi, wilde­beests, North African crest­ed por­cu­pine, lions, jack­als, spot­ted hye­nas, leop­ards, baboons, mon­keys, and many more.


The Repub­lic is Kenya is one of the best tourist des­ti­na­tions in Africa. It’s sit­u­at­ed on a land cov­er­ing 224,081 square miles. It has an esti­ma­tion of over 48 mil­lion cit­i­zens and has a fast-grow­ing pop­u­la­tion. The country’s cap­i­tal city is Nairo­bi. The country’s cli­mate ranges from a semi-arid region in the North­ern parts, to tem­per­ate inland, while the coastal areas are trop­i­cal because of the rain­fall totals.

Maa­sai Mara is the best-known area for most tourists in Kenya. The wilde­beests and many oth­er bovid that are known for their migra­to­ry ten­den­cies. The Mara Riv­er always sees migra­tion of the wilde­beests in mil­lions of num­bers and over 200,000 zebras. The Big Five ani­mals of the African con­ti­nent are in steady pres­ence. Ele­phants, Leop­ards, Lions, Rhi­nos, and Buf­fa­los are all avail­able in the Maa­sai Mara.

Months of June to Sep­tem­ber are the major months in which the ani­mals migrate annu­al­ly from the Serengeti of Tan­za­nia. The migra­tion attracts hun­dreds of tourists to engage in the game expe­ri­ence. Some of Kenya’s top tourist des­ti­na­tions include Sam­bu­ru, Buf­fa­lo Springs, and Sha­ba Nation­al Reserves, Tsa­vo Nation­al Park, Maa­sai Mara Nation­al Reserve, Amboseli Nation­al Park, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Ele­phant Nurs­ery, Lamu Island, Lake Naivasha, Lake Naku­ru Nation­al Park, Nairo­bi Nation­al Park, Ol Peje­ta Con­ser­van­cy, Hell’s Gate Nation­al Park, Mount Kenya Nation­al Park, and coastal towns of Mom­basa, Malin­di, and Kenya’s cap­i­tal city Nairobi.


Rwan­da, just like Burun­di, is one of Africa’s small­est coun­tries. The coun­try has an expanse of rolling hills which led the coun­try into being regard­ed as the “land of a thou­sand hills.” Rwan­da is major­ly made of the Tut­si, Twa, and Hutu. This cul­tur­al diver­si­ty is so unique for tourists, rang­ing from the lan­guage, tra­di­tion, and phys­i­cal attach­ments of all form. It’s bor­dered by Ugan­da – North, D.R Con­go – West, Tan­za­nia – East, and Burun­di – South. There are over 13 mil­lion peo­ple liv­ing in Rwan­da which makes it one of the fast grow­ing pop­u­la­tions in Africa. Rwanda’s veg­e­ta­tion is com­posed of trop­i­cal for­est cov­er on the West­ern fron­tier, and alpine veg­e­ta­tion across the country.

Rwan­da is blessed to have the great­est num­ber of the Virun­ga vol­ca­noes. Of the 8 vol­ca­noes, Rwan­da has 5 vol­ca­noes, a fact that makes it a top pri­or­i­ty tourism des­ti­na­tion. Tourists get to view and hike moun­tains Gahin­ga, Bisoke, Sabyinyo, Muhabu­ra, and Karisim­bi. Rwan­da is one of the main des­ti­na­tions in Africa of the goril­la trekking done in the Vol­ca­noes Nation­al Park. It also has the game wildlife species in its Akagera Nation­al Park to which tourists also get to enjoy the hot air bal­loon safaris.

Nyung­we For­est Nation­al Park is well known for the many pri­mate species such as the gold­en mon­keys, vervet mon­keys, blue mon­keys, and chim­panzees. There’s also much to explore with­in the coun­try such as the many cen­ters scat­tered across the coun­try estab­lished to com­mem­o­rate the 1994 Rwan­da Geno­cide. Rwan­da isn’t short of bird species too which are in hun­dreds of their num­bers. The drainage sys­tem in Rwan­da is rich and tourists for exam­ple get to enjoy some boat cruis­es on Lakes Kivu, Bur­era, Ruhon­do, among others.


It’s land­locked and found in East Africa. It’s equal­ly part of the Great Lakes region and has a fair touch with the Great East Africa rift val­ley. It has neigh­bors for Rwan­da – North, Tan­za­nia – East, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go – West, and Lake Tan­ganyi­ka – South­ern part. Bujum­bu­ra is its cap­i­tal city.

The coun­try is main­ly com­posed of the Hutu, Tut­si, and Twa peo­ple. It cov­ers 10,747 square miles and is one of the small­est coun­tries in Africa. The country’s pop­u­la­tion is esti­mat­ed at 12 mil­lion peo­ple. Burun­di is blessed with a rich veg­e­ta­tion cov­er since it’s sit­u­at­ed with­in the Alber­tine Rift mon­tane forests.

The coun­try also has a touch of the Cen­tral Zam­bez­ian miom­bo wood­lands and also the Vic­to­ria basin eco-region. Burun­di. The country’s major lakes are Rwi­hin­da, Coho­ha, Rweru, Tan­ganyi­ka, Kat­shamirin­da, Kanzi­giri, and Tshoho­ha. Burun­di has some rivers to such as Akan­yaru, Ruz­izi, Ruvubu, Ruvyiron­za, and Kagera. The coun­try has des­ti­na­tions that any tourist is advised to vis­it while in the coun­try such as Mount Heha, Ruvubu Nation­al Park, Liv­ing­stone – Stan­ley Mon­u­ment, Kibi­ra Nation­al Park, Rusizi Nation­al Park, Muyin­ga, Gite­ga, Bururi, and Burundi’s cap­i­tal Bujumbura.

Democratic Republic of Congo

It was for­mer­ly known as Zaire, and is locat­ed in Cen­tral Africa. It’s bor­dered by Ugan­da, Burun­di, Rwan­da – East, Zam­bia – South­east, South Sudan – North­east, Ango­la – South­west, Cen­tral African Repub­lic – North, South Atlantic Ocean – West, and Con­go Repub­lic – North­west. The coun­try is the 2’nd largest on the African con­ti­nent. Kin­shasa is the country’s cap­i­tal city. D.R Con­go has a pop­u­la­tion of over 109 mil­lion peo­ple and for the com­bined East Africa tours, it has the largest population.

D.R Con­go has much of its 905,567 square miles cov­ered with thick Equa­to­r­i­al rain­forests. Tourists should nev­er miss the two sub­species of the goril­las that can only be sit­u­at­ed in the Virun­ga region. They are sit­u­at­ed in Con­go too i.e. East­ern low­land goril­las, and the moun­tain gorillas.

These goril­las, and fau­na such as bono­bos, chim­panzees, the Okapi, African for­est ele­phants, among oth­ers can be found in Kahuzi-Bie­ga Nation­al Park, Garum­ba Nation­al Park, Okapi Wildlife Reserve, Virun­ga Nation­al Park, and Salon­ga Nation­al Park. The country’s bio­di­ver­si­ty is so rich, and equal­ly bal­anced com­pared to many of the African coun­tries. The flo­ra is also com­posed of many species’ num­bers in thou­sands inclu­sive of the hard wood trees, and the ferns.

D.R Con­go has moun­tains such as the active vol­cano Mt. Nyi­ragon­go, and oth­er extinct ones such as Moun­tains Bisoke, Sabyinyo, Mikeno, Nya­mura­gi­ra, and Karisim­bi. The drainage sys­tem in D.R Con­go is also fas­ci­nat­ing espe­cial­ly the great Riv­er Congo.

Besides the drainage and veg­e­ta­tion, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go has a diverse cul­tur­al pres­ence. Tourists are able to explore cul­tures of over 200 eth­nic groups such as the Mon­go, Mang­be­tu-Azonde, Tshilu­ba, Kikon­go, Luba, Lin­gala, and Kongo.

Best time to visit East Africa

Some of these coun­tries are crossed by the equa­tor (such as Kenya, Ugan­da, and D.R Con­go), or close to the equa­tor (such as Rwan­da, Tan­za­nia, and Burun­di). This has an effect on cli­mate of the region. The best trav­el time for all these coun­tries is the dry sea­sons which are major­ly twice in a year i.e., June to Sep­tem­ber, and anoth­er in Decem­ber to February.

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